Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will you be stopping in my town?

We have stamped out the 169 VA War Veterans Homes as our designated stops and are doing our best to allocate time to travel through areas saturated with veterans for additional meet and greets. Please look over our map and follow our blog and social media posts for a up to date schedule and route planning. If you believe your area should be considered as a stop we ask that you contact us and we will be glad to look into it.

Can I ride with you on your trip?

Of course! We encourage anyone who supports our mission to join us and ride for a leg, a day, a week or as long as you can. If interested you can use the "contact us" link located throughout our site to reach out to us and facilitate a place to link up. Additionally, take a look over our trip map and if you can link up with us at one of our stops we can easily roll out from there.

Where can I get a shirt or help support your cause?

As we solidify the final details nearing the launch of our trip in spring/summer 2018 we will be working to set up a means for distributing SRS shirts. Please stay tuned and we will keep you posted through the website and social media as to when this will be rolling out. Thank you for your interest and your support.

Is Serve. Ride. Support (SRS) affiliated with the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA)?

Short answer: No. We support the CVMA 100% in it's mission of VETS HELPING VETS and look to continue to work along side them in efforts to support our country's heroes. Serve. Ride. Support's project "Operation 362" is the first mission in a series that stands to expand on the CVMA mission and work to increase awareness and interactions with the remaining WWII veterans.